RACE Insurance
Lic. # OD76797

Homeowners' Insurance
Homeowner's Insurance?
Homeowner’s insurance just does not cover homes, but it will cover those who rent homes, apartments, condos, and townhouses. These homeowner’s policy are referred to at renter’s homeowner policies. If you are a renter, you will not need protection against damage to the building itself, but you will need protection against damage or theft of your personal property and any type of liability just in case someone falls or gets hurts on the part of the premises that you rent. You, of course, would be protected with homeowner’s insurance if there was theft or liability just in case someone injuries themselves in your condominium or townhouse. You would also be responsible if you cause, for example, water damage to someone’s condo that may be underneath you.
Homeowners Insurance Types
There are 6 different types of homeowners insurance in general that are consistently utilized. A limited policy that offers varied degrees of coverage but includes items that are specifically included in the policy. The coverage is ordinarily a "named perils" policy, which lists the cases that would be covered. As above, these factors must be spelled come in the policy. This policy is the most common one written for a owner and is designed to cover all aspects of the home, its structure and it contents. Also includes any liability that will arise from daily living. This is unremarkably referred to as renter's insurance. Similar to HO-6, this policy covers those aspects of the living accommodations and its contents not specifically covered in the blanket policy written for the renter's complex.